Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haiti Resources

As we all know, the situation in Haiti is still grim more than a week on. The international community is giving in record numbers but aid is still not reaching people in need due to complications on the ground. I can't speak for everyone, but I know that for me, sending money out into the bureaucratic void doesn't always feel like much of a contribution. Still, as far as I can tell, continuing to give what we can is immensely important. So, I've compiled a few resources in case anyone is still looking for a way to help.

Give with confidence:
BBB Accredited Charity List
Mercy Corps
Red Cross
ChildFund International (formerly Christian Children's Fund)
Direct Relief International
Oxfam International
The Salvation Army

Local resources:
Monroe County Red Cross
IU Hoosiers for Haiti Relief Campaign
IU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
They Recommend:
Lambi Fund
International Firefighter Association

There is a "forum and call to action" tonight, Thursday January 21st, in Alumni Hall in the IMU on the IU Bloomington Campus.

The IU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) has been accepting material donations but warn they won't reach those in need quickly and still recommended cash donations above all else. Their website says:

"CLACS has designated itself as a Bloomington-based collection site for in-kind material contributions. However, we have since learned that such contributions will not be immediately transportable or usable, and that monetary aid to organizations on the ground in Haiti is most urgently needed. We expect to send the items we have collected to an organization directly serving Haiti within the next few months.

Thus, during our normal business hours (8–5), in our Center at 1125 E. Atwater Ave, we will continue to receive materials to be sent to Haiti. For your own sake, please try to notify us ahead of time (855-9097), and if you must park temporarily, do so BEHIND the Center, in the parking lot between Ballantine and Hawthorne Ave.

Helpful items include: Wound dressings and bandages; rehydration packets; Chloroquine (antimalarial); nonperishable foods (Peanut butter, crackers, etc.)"

Also see the BBC's comprehensive coverage of the disaster at BBC News.


Arwen said...

Thanks for posting this, Julia!

Julia said...

Arwen! A little bird (your facebook status) told me you now have a blog! I'm going to go read it.